Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Does this guy like me?

I met this guy in my college Geology class last semester, so I've known him for several months. Hes definitely my type- few extra pounds, and little nerdy but not too much, and a gentlemen. Last semester, we were barely friends and just classmates, but this semester our classes started at the same times so he asked me if I would like to carpool with him, and I said yes. Anyways, I have been car pooling with him all this semester, so I have been able to get to know him a little better and have developed some feelings for him. He talks a lot to me, makes me laugh and he likes to hang around me a lot. He talks a lot about his family, cars, etc. However, hes never told me how he feels, so I get a lot of mixed signals. I can't stop thinking about him at times, and I look forward to seeing him every time. I've never been able to go anywhere alone with him because he always wants to invite a the girl that was lab partners with us last semester. When the three of us hang out as friends, we have a lot of fun and tell many jokes, but it's hard for me to see how he feels about me. So my question is, does he view me as someone to potentially date, or am I just another friend that is a classmate? He has alot of friends that are girls, and he does talk about them a lot at times. I know this is kind of a hard question to answer, but I don't have any dating experience, so I need all the advice I can get. Thanks!

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